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A Linear Function represents a constant rate of change When plotted on a graph it will be a straight line A graph may be plotted from an equation `y = mx c` by plotting the intercept at `(0, c)`, and then drawing the gradient `m`, although it is normally easier to generate the points in a table and plot the graph The graph of a line can be used to find the equation by working outUse the slope and yintercept to write an equation The equation is y= 9 — 5 x 32 c In degrees Celsius, the mean temperature of Earth is 15° To fi nd the mean temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, fi nd the value of y when x= 15 y= 9 — 5 x 32 Write the equation 9 — 5 ( 15) 32 Substitute 15 for x = 59 Simplify

Linear equations x and y intercept examples

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